Luke Dahn

The compositions of Luke Dahn are heard throughout the United States and abroad, with performances given by groups such as the Moscow Conservatory Studio for New Music, the League of Composers Chamber Players, Composers, Inc., Sound Icon, the NODUS Ensemble, the University of Iowa Center for New Music, the Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings, and by saxophonist Kenneth Tse. Venues have included Carnegie Hall, Rachmaninoff Hall (Moscow), the Estonia Academy of Music (Tallinn), the Taipei University of the Arts, the Frankfurter KuenstlerKlub, and the Miami ISCM Festival Series. Dahn has been the recipient of numerous awards including the 2014 J.D. Robb International Composition Competition and the 2010 League of Composers/ISCM Competition. Several of Dahn’s works are available on the Albany label.

Dahn’s recent research in music theory has focused on the Bach chorales. His new www.bach– website, launched in the summer of 2017, provides the most up–to–date research on the chorales and has quickly become a widely–used and linked resource. In November 2017, his paper on a 1762 recently–rediscovered manuscript of Bach chorales was presented at a conference in Lviv, Ukraine entitled "Ex Umbra in Solem" celebrating the work of Bach scholar Christoph Wolff.

Dahn serves on the music composition & theory faculty at the University of Utah. He earned graduate degrees from the University of Iowa and Western Michigan University, and his primary teachers have included David Gompper, C. Curtis–Smith and Ann K. Gebuhr.

Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
— Claire C.